Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Feed My Addiction

Today, the internet went down here in Chapel Hill. When I say down, I mean there was no connection anywhere on campus. And I realized how much I'm dependent on my internet connection. Like, really dependent. As in, "send me to rehab, I think it's an addiction."
So here is a list of what I need my internet connection for:
1. AIM. I can't keep intouch with all my friends for free any other way.
2. Email. If I don't have that, I miss out on things oncampus. I can't get chem lab DataStudio files to the people I need to get them to. It's a royal mess when the email is down
3. AOL. I have to check that email too. That's where all the housing emails go.
4. News. How else am I going to keep up to date on what's going on at the Olympics? Watch it? No, I turn it on as background noise while I'm doing homework. Besides, the halfpipe is over, and Shaun White's back in the US.
5. Blogging. No internet, no blog. Enough said.
6. Facebook. I can't look at other people's crazy pictures without facebook!
7. Webassign. Actually, I don't think I care about this one that much. I can do without Webassign. It's annoying.
So there is the beginning of the list of reasons for why I'm addicted to the internet.

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