Monday, March 02, 2009


I have the greatest students ever!! We had evaluations today, and they were all so nice. There're some things that it sounds like I can work on, but for the most part, all the comments were really positive.
We had the genetics lab today which is a little dry because it's difficult to have a hands on genetics lab in a introductory bio lab. My gel didn't work because I didn't put in enough buffer to make a complete circuit. The corn part is somewhat boring because it's just counting corn kernels and then learning how to use chi-square analysis. Still, I used rats as part of the genetics lesson, which I think sort of surprised some people. Especially when they found out I had a pet rat and was planning on getting more. Hopefully my excitement over the lab was helpful. We'll see on the final evaluations. That tends to be the least enjoyed of all labs.
I keep checking everyday now, waiting to see that Sphinx and Eve have been paired. It should be any day now. Hopefully I'll have some good news going into my tests at the end of the week. I have two, but then it's Spring Break which should be nice and relaxing.

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