Yesterday had an interesting end to it. LOML and I went on our usual evening walk with the dog. It takes us along the busy road we live on before we turn into one of the nearby neighborhoods that is a little quieter for the pup to do his business. On one side of the side walk are a bunch of trees and bushes that act like a barrier to absorb some of the sound of the road to protect the neighborhood. As we were walking by one of the trees, we hear what sounds like to loud meows. LOML looks at me and says, "does that sound like a cat?" I agree with relief knowing that I'm not actually hallucinating it, and then begin to search for the cat because that's what I do in these situations (disclaimer: I did not know what I'd do in this situation until yesterday when it happened). I look up, and about 3/4 of the way up one of the trees is a little orange kitten face. It is so excited to see people, it partly climbs, partly falls, and partly jumps out of the tree and into my arms (after I'd flung the dog's leash at LOML). As I'm sitting there holding it, looking bewildered that this is real life, LOML looks at me, sighs, and says, "we just adopted another cat didn't we?" "Yep." I have no idea how to care for a kitten despite having now parented three cats. All were adopted on the older side (first kitty was 10, second was 6, and third was 10 months at the time of the adoption). This little guy or gal is maybe 6-8 weeks old. I'm not sure. S/he ("she slash" as LOML referred to the kitten) was covered in fleas, but otherwise alert and active. S/he purred the entire way home, as I feverishly called my family to figure out what to do. My sister gave me some tips as did my dad (2 of my parents 3 cats were also "found". One was in my dad's garden, the other was on the side of NC route 64. Clearly this "finding cats" thing is genetic.). So we got supplies, the kitty ate (although looks like s/he may have worms), and now will have its first checkup Saturday. Definitely unexpected, but as one of my co-workers said today, "if the cat comes from the Heavens, you have to keep it". And that's just what we'll do (despite LOML's trepidation at another cat, he is learning to love it...and let s/he fall asleep on him).
Me and the kitten next to the tree it climbed out of
Post bath with Dawn to try to kill some of the fleas
(It really works! Dawn ftw!!)
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