Monday, July 17, 2017

Day 13: A Good Day

Today was a good day.  I started my two week rotation at the local hospice inpatient center.  I wouldn't say that I did much.  I met one family, I wrote a note, I saw how the other doctor I was working with approached making her comfortable.  I worked on my communication skills, trying to actively listen, use open ended questions, learn more about the patient as a person.  It felt natural.  I worry some about whether I'm doing the right thing when it comes to communication, but I worry less than I used to.  I will never be perfect or the best.  There will always be room to grow.  But I also did not feel like a failure.  It was nice being able to see a patient on my own without following behind the attending like a new medical student.  When I'm not truly given the chance to try on my own, I feel used, like an over-educated administrative assistant.  When I actually get to see the patient, formulate my own plan, and present it to the patient and/or family, then I feel like I am actually a doctor.  I don't pretend to have all the answers or know exactly what to do in every situation, but I don't learn well if I'm not learning by doing.  I'll shadow when in a field that is not my own, I want to try things out on my own to figure out what my style will be within my own field.  I know it will get better as the year goes on.

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