Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Maybe you should call your nearest Psych Ward to see if one of their patients escaped...

Yes, I did just post less than 5 minutes ago. I have too much pent up energy that needs to be let out. My creative energy has been working overtime in my sleep, and so I thought I would share the insanity of my dreams.
Last week I dreamt that it was my job to save the world from an evil force being created in a fortress in PA. According to google maps in my dreams (yes, I know for a fact that it was google maps because it is the ONLY map source I use in real life and apparently in dream life). So anyway, according to google maps, this fortress was a simple drive up 40 to 70 from my little townhouse in Winston-Salem, NC. In case anyone was confused, 40 is an east-west highway, and, if 70 exists, it would also be an east-west route. Yet, PA is definitely and always has been north of NC. Guess dreams aren't always true to life...but I digress. So, I get in my little Honda Civic and get on the road, occasionally checking the printed off google map to make sure I was still on trek. Granted, a large ominous fortress in the middle of PA should have been blatantly obvious AND the map directions had only 2 directions on them (1. get on 40, not sure if it was east or west though I distinctly remember getting on 40 west; 2. get on 70...it said north, but I know for real life purposes that can't be...) Anyway, so I get to this fortress and it looks a little like Minas Tirith from "The Two Towers" and apparently myself and the rest of the US population was trying to get in. I swear the line into Doom was longer than the lines to a Nascar race at Lowes Motorspeedway, and we weren't moving. The entire time I'm thinking, "Dang it, do these people not know what they are headed into. We're all gonna die (spoken like Roz from Monsters Inc.)" I finally get into the fortress and immediately go to work finding the mastermind behind the Doomsday army. Yeah yeah, I know, super creative. I find him take something that looks like a flashdrive from him and then have to figure out how to get out of the fortress with it. Must have been the boot drive for the robot army. I think 3 different cars and a high speed chase later, and I arrived back in NC, safe and sound having thwarted the plot of an evil mastermind in PA in a fortress...wish it was that easy and that cool in real life.
That was one dream. I'll get on posting the other ones over the next couple of days for my practically non-existent audience...or existent. One can only hope...

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