Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Day 161: When the student becomes the teacher

I started back on the hospice inpatient unit yesterday, and have taken over some of the teaching duties for the medical students.  Sometimes, I can't believe how far I've come.  It's also hard to believe that it will be five years since I graduated medical school this coming May.  So much has happened, and I will be starting my first job in the summer.  I'm excited and nervous.  I will always feel like I have much to learn.  I have the opportunity to do more teaching with the medical students.  I am working on handouts for them to try to help with some of the quick tips and tricks they will hopefully find useful for some of their other rotations.  I need to get some time where I am observed teaching so I can improve my skills, and my hope is that I can have multiple opportunities for different people to observe me.  I also need more times for feedback on my communication skills.  My goal will be to offer the same to the medical students.  I can't believe I was in their place six years ago.  I was realizing at the time that I was interested in hospice and palliative care as a career.  I have several really great job offers, and will hopefully have time around Christmas to really decide on where I will settle for my first years of my professional career.  While I knew that I would get to this point, it is surreal to finally be here.  The baton is passed, and suddenly the student becomes the teacher.

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