Tuesday, February 17, 2009

They Shipped!!

I woke up this morning to find an email saying that the hammock and the rat cage are shipping from Georgia so hopefully I'll have those by the end of the week. The wheel is on backorder, but that's fine because I have plenty of time before I get the new ratties anyway. I'm just excited about getting the cage in and set up. I've talked to someone who is willing to buy Petey's cage. I'm so excited because I know she'll get a lot of use out of it. She currently has 4 boys, but is now getting 3 girls and another boy. Plus, she may be getting a couple of girls from the same litter I'm hoping to get a couple of boys from. She's thinking about starting her own breeding line/rattery, but will have to wait until she can be trained by the guy that owns the Carolina Blue Rattery where I am getting my two boys. I'm so excited. I was bursting when I found out she wanted the cage because I really wanted it to go to someone who would use it a lot, and someone who knows how to take care of rats properly. Again...bursting at the seams
Except having a neuro test today is a bit of a downer. There is so much information to learn. I'm a little bit anxious because I don't really know what to expect. I'm trying really hard to study, but I keep getting sidetracked. Plus, I never really got senioritis in high school until after APs, but at that point it didn't matter because I didn't have any work to do as it was. At any rate, it's coming in waves right now. Sometimes I'll be really productive and other times I just won't care at all. Not really a great way to be. I'll get through it though.
I can't wait to get the cage here and set up. Will take pictures (though it will be empty for a little while)

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