wow. So it's been about 8 months since my last post. Life has been steadily marching on. I'm a year older, perhaps not the wiser. Medical school is looming with more work to be done than I care to deal with at this point. I only hope I get in somewhere where I'll be happy and so will my wallet. I'm still working the same summer job I've been working for the past 6 years. I'm going to be a college senior which is a revelation I'm also having troubles dealing with. I mean, it's just like yesterday I was the scared, lost freshman who just needed to get to my next class. I remember second semester freshman year, where I missed the notice that my math class had changed rooms, so I was about 15 minutes late and totally embarrassed. Needless to say, I never made that mistake again and always double and triple check the classrooms for my courses the day of the course. I know, a little OCD, but that sort of experience is scarring. I didn't not make it on the poetry track in creative writing, but have thoroughly enjoyed the other creative writing courses I've taken. I'm going to be taking creative non-fiction this coming semester. I'm really excited about it, but at the same time, I'm not really sure what to expect. I took children's fiction writing last fall and LOVED getting to write a picture book. I need to start working on another one, but haven't had much in the way of inspiration seeing as my day-to-day involves getting up, driving to work, driving home, and sleeping with some general worrying about medical school applications and MCAT scores (I find out on July 13th). Anyway, it's late (for me) so I'll try to work on keeping up with the posting.
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