I started this morning in a beautiful way. I woke up lying in the perfect position on my left side to feel my heart beating. I know that statement seems strange, but it was a very fascinating and wonderful feeling. It was more than just the PMI (point of maximal impulse), but a feeling deeper than that. I could feel the sensation of the muscle inside my chest. I could feel the left ventricle, the larger portion of the muscular part that pumps blood around the entire body. I could feel it pumping stronger than the right ventricle that only pumps blood to the lungs and is right up against the breast bone. I could feel it almost rocking in my chest as it contracted regularly, providing the life-source of my being. It really was a most remarkable sensation. I jut laid there for a few minutes just feeling my heart dangling just enough to move with each pulsation. It was magical and wonderful and calming just being in the moment sensing the greater workings of my own self. It's still miraculous to me, despite years in training in the medical field, that the body works so beautifully together with minimal input from me.