Thursday, November 16, 2006

Introduction to Poetry Writing

So I've decided that I'm finally going to post the poems that I've written this semester on my blog. I've written four poems so far, and have one more to go for the semester. Hopefully you all find them at least interesting or maybe somewhat good. But if you don't, my feelings won't be hurt...

New York's Streets

I'm looking out on Forty-Seventh Street,
Where tourists mix with the New Yorker fleet:
Head down, they don't look up at anyone,
They wait at crosswalks, cross, and then they're gone.
The yellow cabs are weaving in and out.
They honk horns, flipping fingers, as they shout,
"Move Asshole!" at the startled, lost sightseers
Who want to find out where the theater is.
Above their heads a billboard, brightly green,
Shows a buff Tarzan swinging vine to vine.
And next to him pangs Puff Daddy's facade,
Wearing a velvet jumpsuit, selling Sean John.
He holds one fist raised high into the air,
Looks down on people sifting everywhere.
The travelers stop and stare, to catch a glimpse
Of skyscrapers that fade into the mist.
They snap their pictures to take back and share
With everyone they know who's not been there.
New Yorkers all push past, in hast for work,
Obstacles and hurdles just for the perk
Of living in the city that never sleeps -
Tourists - the reason for the streets upkeep.
nearby and to the right, a chocolate store,
Piled high with Kisses, Syrup, and S'mores.
The pyramids of chocolate bars invite
The wanderers, both young and old alike
To Willy Wonka's New York habitation
With sweets enough to fill Grand Central Station.
With every passing of the subway train,
The whole scene vibrates in the windowpane.

The Painted Garden

The fingers smear the paints in circles
Covering the page in reds
And blues and greens and purples - grown
Into five flower beds.

The index finger is now dragged down
In a vertical line of green
To start the first stalk of the four flowers -
A child's daisy scene.

And at the bottom of each stem,
It draws two leaf-like shapes
So quickly that they seem like pools
Of water a hard rain makes.

The fingers shape a yellow core,
Swirling in wobbly loops.
Then daisy's petals are outlined
By five uneven hoops.

Above the flowers a fingertip
Spirals and circles as
It blues in all the white except
The trails of cloudy gauze.

These are the two poems I've written so far that I've actually gotten around to editting. Enjoy!

Monday, November 06, 2006


"Somewhere, out there
Beneath the pale moon light
Someone's thinking of me
And loving me tonight.

Somewhere, out there
Someone's saying a prayer
That we'll find one another
In that big somewhere out there.

And even though I know
How very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing
On the same bright star.

And when the night wind starts to sing
I's lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we're sleeping
Underneath the same big sky.

Somwhere, out there
If love can see us through
Then we'll be together
Somewhere, out there
Out where dreams come true."

Just trying to keep faith in karma, and the knowledge that there is someone for everyone. It just takes patience to find the right one. Will we know when it happens? What will tell us we're in the right place? Is it better to let love just happen? If soulmates exist, then the connection will be strong enough to bring together those who wait for the right time. But how do you know when's the right time? How will you know what your soulmate feels like if you have no other feeling to compare it to? What if you care for someone? Can they become your soulmate? If only there were a love muc easier life would be.